Oct 1, 2021Liked by B.A. Lampman

BA. Thank you for your FTM piece. Perfect followup for your suggestion the other day to me "have you tried writing?". I had a visceral reaction in my spine when reading about writing slowly and having words present themselves. Like a built-in ouija board. A brain-bypass. So interesting, the bit about links between hand/brain developing and the nerve endings. Another link on that - people with dyslexia/learning differences are taught to use kinesthetic learning (ie writing with a 'draggy pencil', saying each letter as it is written) to encode information, sounds, and learn to read. The mind absorbing and uploading language deeply through the hands. Maybe I'll get me one of those drippy brushes and a bottle of ink...

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BA. Thank you for this. Perfect followup for your suggestion the other day to me "have you tried writing?". I had a visceral reaction in my spine when reading about writing slowly and having words present themselves. Like a built-in ouija board. A brain-bypass. So interesting, the bit about links between hand/brain developing and the nerve endings. Another link on that - people with dyslexia/learning differences are taught to use kinesthetic learning (ie writing with a 'draggy pencil', saying each letter as it is written) to encode information, sounds, and learn to read. The mind absorbing and uploading language deeply through the hands. Maybe I'll get me one of those drippy brushes and a bottle of ink...

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Oct 1, 2021Liked by B.A. Lampman

I find the discussion around techniques and thought processes, physical vs mental, different tools all fascinating and relevant to me. Plus I think "Keep Up The Good Work Asshole" should be made into a T-shirt. That shit sells.

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Oct 3, 2021Liked by B.A. Lampman

A pleasure to read and contemplate

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I second the t-shirt! This was really fascinating BA. I love the fact that writing IS drawing. Had never thought about it that way. Actually, all your Feed The Monsters leave me with a new spin on most everything…thank you😊. (It’s probably frowned on to use emojis…but damn…emoji it is)

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by B.A. Lampman

nice article

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