Feb 21Liked by B.A. Lampman

Love this post! What planner is this called(the minimalist brown is a staple)?

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“I think the tribute aspect speaks to the fact that her story/our story is as important as anyone’s. Her life was worth tribute.”

Well said. Loved that section. I have a particular nook in my heart for parental remembrance. The things we learn from them and their lives can be shattering in tiny ways, maybe not even for the writer, but the reader.

It also reminds me to make my journal extra spicy for my daughter. 😌

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Thanks for giving me some food for thought. I’m just an amateur at creating actual art, though I like to think I’ve lived a creative LIFE. I’m doing another 100 Day project which keeps me in the process but I’m pushing up against a voice that keeps yelling at me “WHAT IS THIS FOR? 🤷‍♀️ Guess I’ll have a look at Jill’s website!

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I love what you do with the covers of your Planners. Such a good idea. As a fellow Planner devotee, I just stick a few stickers on and call it done.

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If and when you were ever ready to lead a journalling class I would be there in a heartbeat.

I appreciate the reminder of creative practice as self care. It is encouraging and validating to hear. I think I've been doing something similar. More reading, occasional journal scratchings, and writing down my dreams. I've stepped away from planting seeds and am trying to focus on growing them first instead.

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by B.A. Lampman

I loved those descriptions of your mom's journal too. And that you looked through it and found ONE PAGE that nailed the crucial stuff that felt honest and connective. We've talked about your relationship with Jill's system and how that's gone along - I admire that you have found a place for it. I would love to think that I could use such a thing, but have the same immediate I COULD NEVER DO THIS feeling that you had. But I'd love to map out the chaos of ideas and passionate-intentions-to-start-things. Hmmmm...

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Oh boy I loved the descriptions of your mom and her boring journals and your wonderful collages and everything in this issue BA. Esp. the imperative to dial it back. I’m a big fan of dial it back!

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Really loved this … your writing always makes me giggle, no matter the heft of the content. And it’s refreshing, like a cold shower on a sweltering day…leaves me a bit shaken but also feeling so damn clear!

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by B.A. Lampman

Love this! All of it, from discovering your mom’s journals and finding them boring—but for that one raw and illuminating page—to admitting that your own journals are probably boring. (Mine are too, I think.) Also love love your shoutout to the magical Jill Margo, whose contribution to my creative practice has changed my life. I write in my planner DAILY and have done so for 16 months straight. I am happy to have my beautifully-crafted coil bound book to accompany me on my creative journey.

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by B.A. Lampman

I do not know if I told you this or if I told you in my head but not out loud. Your Life's Work show in the context of your mother- I just felt so moved, emo, still do, by the way you gave your mother's life, spirit, soul? the space to just be what it was. You presented her just as she was. To me, whether this is true or not, you attempted, and I would say succeeded in showing who she was, to the best of your ability, with a level of clarity and lack of judgement that was beyond beautiful and I thought 'what a fucking gift. What a gift to be seen in this way. For you, amidst the context of your life and all of the ways in which our parents ways of being and knowing affect us, to be able to give her the space to be seen as who she was- a multi-dimensional human being- is such a beautiful and enlightened and humble offering. I learned so much from your exhibit. To me it felt like- it's neither good or bad, it just is. Your a beauty BA! Also, please offer that damn journal workshop. I'm dying over here for it. :)

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by B.A. Lampman

The scene of you reading your mother's notebook gave me chills. And, I always love your notebooks and your many illustrations. It seems like a lot of it comes from cutting out images. Where do you get them from? Magazines? Books? The internet? Thanks for another lovely post!

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Love you, Creep. Always happy to help. xo

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